Village of Eden Committees
General Contacts
- Bowmar Appraisals (Assessor): 920-733-5369 Board Member:
- Fire Chief Shawn St.Mary : 920-904-3001 Matt Bonen: 414-544-2282
- SafeBuilt (Building Inspector): 262-364-9597 Jay Baumhardt: 920-960-7966
- Ed Costello: 920-979-3444 Henry Guell:
- Sewer Plant: 920-979-3444 Owen Gellings: 920-460-3993
- Village Office: 920-477-4304 Shea Stahl: 920-539-9833
- Kevin Goebel: 920-960-1371 Joe Preston Jr.: 920-251-3712
- Sheila Zook: 920-904-2411
- Kari Schlefke 920-477-4304
- Eden community Park Rental :920-477-4304
- Eden community center rental:920-979-3444
- Eden Firemans park Rental: 920-960-7966
- Eden Junior Athletic Association:
Animal Control Committee
- Owen Gellings
- Jay Baumhardt
Election Set Up
- Kari Schlefke
Election Workers
- Sharon Varisco- Chief
- Joan Kornitz - 2nd Chief
- Joan Vander Grinten
- Toni Garms
- Kari Schlefke
Fire & Community Center
- Kevin Goebel
- Joe Preston Jr.
- Shea Stahl
Park Committee
- Kevin Goebel
- Henry Guell
- Owen Gelling
Planning Commission
- Bob Goebel (3 of 3 years): (920) 602-6043
- Cory St.Mary (1 of 3 years): (920) 979-8631
- Darryl Duehring (3 of 3 years): (920) 477-3608
- Tom Strebe (3 of 3 years)
- Kevin Goebel
- Henry Guell
- Jay Bamhardt
Public Works Committee
- Matt Bonen
- Kevin Goebel
- Henry Guell
Sidewalk Committee
- Jay Baumhardt
- Owen Gellings
- Shea Stahl
Sewer Committee
- Joe Preston
- Matt Bonen
- Jay Baumhardt
Streets Committee
- Jay Baumhardt
- Matt Bonen
- Joe Preston
Weed Commission
- Shea Stahl
Zoning Board of Appeals
- Ann Geiger (1 of 3 years): (920) 477-7173
- Jim Pitzen (1 of 3 years): (920) 477-7281
- John Birschbach (2 of 3 years): (920) 477-2961
- Bob Flood, Chair (2 of 3 years): (920) 477-3790
- Bill Abel (3 of 3 years): (920) 251-3702
- Katherine Guelig (alternate): (920) 948-9595
- Cory St.Mary (alternate): 920-979-8631
- Registration form